Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Maternal Child Health and Environmental Exposures.

Maternal Maternal Child Health and exposure to environmental factors pose many threats to the maturing fetus. Chemical exposures can influence the individual as soon as he or she is conceived. As the zygote undergoes mitosis (cell division), the new cells themselves become part of the mother's environment, and through their particular physical and chemical influence they guide and control the development of further new cells. Different genes are activated or suppressed in each cell, so that while one group of cells is developing into brain tissue, another is giving rise to the heart, another to the lungs, and another to the skeletal system. Meanwhile, the lump of cells is surrounded by the larger environment of the mother's uterus, and this environment is surrounded by the mother and the world in which she lives.


Friday, July 6, 2012

Silent Spring

Q. Why Rachel Carson is considered to be such a significant figure in heightening public awareness about environmental health?

A. Rachel Carson is such a significant figure because she made a bold statement about environmental health standards at a time where it was not popular or truly considered important. She is influential in the environmental movement because of her approach.  Her book and evaluation of the environmental crisis forced the government officials to regulate the chemical exposures to the environment. She open public and political debate whether pesticides and DDT where harming the environment and causing adverse effects to mankind. She did not shy away from illustrating the threat of DDT such as contamination of food, carcinogenic matter, genetic altering agents and extension of species. She also brought up the importance of conservation of wilderness and respecting the nature natural order.  Overall, Carson impact forces chemical industries to take responsibility for their environment output, band DDT use, birth environmentalism and raise awareness for similar issues alike.